Jacobs v Nickell
You know I'm just sitting here watching Vugraph eleven hours a day, right? I try and catch the ballgames, I make sure to cuddle with my kids, I even squeeze in a workout ... but really I'm just managing my email and watching the game. This is my favorite kind of kibbitzing -- the hands are wild, everything's on the line, we're still in it. George faces Nickell today. He's feeling strong, playing great. Last time these two faced off in the semifinals of the team trials, Jacobs pitched a shutout - 64 to 5 - in the first quarter (never won a second quarter), but Nickell was never able to recover. Playing with Garner-Weinstein and Berkowitz-Cohen, Jacobs & Katz went on to represent the United States at the Olympiad in Maastricht, Holland; they brought home the bronze medal. I haven't liked our chances this much since George mailed in the entry. Nickell is tough, but we can't lose: either George will win and go on to face the winner of Ekeblad/Meltzer, or he'll get to come home and I can get back to work. :) Go George Go.