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The Best Intentions

I got up a bit early this morning, around 5:30, because the weekends come early around here and I have great working momentum. From noon or one o'clock when Tara goes home on Fridays, it's officially weekend. Frequently it's shabbat, and the girls and I do something special in the kitchen. Other times it's holiday, or party, or sports, even (gasp) once in a while, shopping. So, if I'm going to get any work done on a Friday, it'll happen between the time I wake up and noon. This morning was supposed to be great. I knew exactly what needed doing, I knew exactly how I was going to make it happen, the characters were talking to each other at really interesting cross-purposes. A solid couple of hours and I'd have accomplished absolutely everything I'd planned -- about 10,000 words, some of which had an outside chance of being the right words. Then things derailed when I waded into my email. Then Tara showed up. Then Joanna has an appointment this morning and my presence is required. By the time I get back it'll be after lunch. A bridge partner wants to play this afternoon. The kids want to go to the pool. There's no chance I'll get my to-do list done. And it's okay. I'm guarding my writing time so jealously because there is precious little of it. If I owe you a letter (and I know I do!!) then forgive me, it may wait a little bit more. But not a lot. Standard Disclaimer.
