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Time Management

My Delta itinerary (for september) has changed. Well goodness. I looked at the email and am completely clueless -- I have no idea what's different. The days are the same, the connections seem do-able. Strange. What if they change my itinerary and it isn't ok with me? Do I have any say in the matter? I never know what to do with the odd hour or two that pops up from time to time. It's four in the afternoon and I've got nothing much that needs my attention until I figure out what we're doing for dinner and start that ball rolling. I could try diving into Keeping Score, but long about the time I'm figuring out what needs to happen next, it'll be time to wrap it up and move on to the next part of the day. I might curl up with my notebook and pen somewhere, but then I might fall asleep. I used to have a girlfriend I'd chat with on the phone every morning while I was taking Joanna to school, but we drifted apart because my bridge travel is hard on friendships. Then I had a bridge girlfriend I'd chat with in odd hours like these, but we drifted apart because real life is hard on bridge friendships. So now I'm blogging in my "spare" time (which is really my spare spare time). What do you do in your spare time?
