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Journal Days

I love Joanna special on Wednesdays. She was born at 6:53 a.m. on a Wednesday morning in November. Went wandering through my journal from the earliest days of Keeping Score. I think I'll post journal bits on Wednesdays, in honor of Joanna. 3/22 6:13 a.m. Just after 6 am, just past the middle of March. The window behind me is slightly open and the birds twirl carefree notes between tree branches on Yadda Avenue. If I remain still, refuse to turn around and confront the messy urban mess behind me -- asphalt and parking structures -- I could be sipping coffee beside the sea, or framed by snow-capped mountains and wildflowers. My toe itches, though, and the birds have moved on and it is the winter-into-spring moment when it is raw and a little painful. Change is ever thus. Transformation is not (apparently) a comfortable thing, regardless of the happy outcome. Standard disclaimer: I may fail. I know.
