sniff sniff
First day of school -- always emotional. Moreso because there are exactly two places I want to be right now ... but of course that's the curse, right? I'm here because there's nothing more important to me than my children, and the first day of school is a huge thing. I can just hear the teary accusation in the therapist's office down the road ... great gushing sobs from Joanna, who'll moan, "You even missed the first day of 4th GRADE!" Nope, not doing it. That's not me. So I'm here, where I belong.
But of course I'm desperately interested in the happenings in White Plains ... I can't believe George is playing for the win in the team trials ... for the most important event in the game he loves so much ... and I'm missing it. Sigh. We're down about 40 with 10 boards to play, it's looking grim for Team Jacobs.
Joanna got the teacher she was hoping for and a few good friends in her class. 4th grade is a big deal where we live -- they have lockers, switch classes, mentor younger students, the whole nine yards. Joanna is such a little mentor to begin with ...
And then there's Kate. Happy Kindergarten, Kate Jacobs. How lucky to have your buddy Kyle in your class! (Kyle's mom and I are thinking a big spring wedding...)
And here's Joanna, looking smart and sophisticated for the 2006-2007 4th grade season. Very nice!
Kate, leaning in a little close. No dating until shes 25. Then after a 3 year engagement, please do send me an invite. Too cute!
Posted by
Anonymous |
8/29/2006 06:56:00 AM