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peeling back the covers

This morning the alarm went off at 5:25. I snoozed in six-minute increments until 5:52 (cool, eh?) then found my way downstairs. Turned the coffee on, set the dog down to potty in the mudroom, turned on the light in my office and collected the overnight email. I don't use the auto-check every x number of minutes feature of my email program -- I like the process of actively collecting it myself. Very strange, I know. Once the coffee's made and the dog has pottied, we curl up with the keyboard and Miss Snark, Murderati and The Outfit Collective. By then it's six-fifteen and I have to decide if I'm going to blog first or write first. Writing won this morning, and between six and seven I managed almost a thousand words. They're not very good words, many of them will disappear upon the very first reading, but that's not particularly relevant. I happened to work out some important information and found some really exciting details. Then it was time to wake the girls and get the day started. Now here it is, 9:40. I've answered emails, played with the dog, met with Iwona and Tara about yesterday's kid issues, upgraded my Microsoft Office software, installed a new mouse (keyboard coming!) and printed the current chapter. I'll be back to work in a few minutes after a stern meeting with myself wherein I decided that I'd better get busy. 1,000 words in a day would be great, if it were every day. Which it simply isn't. So off I go. Wish me luck.
