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We struck out for Polebridge, MT early this morning -- a bridge player we met last night recommended it highly. So off we went, up the west side of the north fork of the Flathead River in the rain, headed toward what the girl at the coffee shop called a hippie commune. Once upon a time, that would have been the place for me. Now? They have rental cabins there, no running water. The apple turnover was great, the spicy cheese bread thing fresh from the oven was superb. The young homeschooled boy gave us the lowdown ... during the peak season, there are 50 full time residents in Polebridge. Come winter, only eight remain. Hard to imagine. They told us that the roads are plowed twice a week, correpsonding to delivery of the mail. Ahh, the wild, wild west. Shannon and I were third last night, so far today we're third again. If I'd been able to sleep, we might have played really well. But alas, my "take a nap" button doesn't work so well. sigh.... Tomorrow? Dunno yet. Stay tuned!
