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Went to a lovely wedding last night. I always cry at weddings. Autumn is such a tricky time -- on one hand: I adore watching the colors get warmer as the air gets colder. I love sweaters and jeans and boots and fires in the fireplace and the steam that rises from the hot-tub on a hung-over Saturday morning; on the other hand: long about Homecoming time I start to squint down the narrow tunnel of winter, dreading the stinging cold that never fails to freeze my every nerve ending mid-contraction. It used to be that the post-Halloween-sugar crash would ignite a bleak depression lasting through mid-January, when for whatever reason that end would finally come into view ... My sweet, patient husband banished my December-holiday blues, and despite the wild summer running around I'm definitely ready for a slower, more intimate season. I'm very much looking forward to gathering my girls in close. Of course two weeks in Hawaii in November and a girlfriends getaway in January are adequate bright spots in even the darkest winter, right? Deadlines early this week. The pressure is mounting.
