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to the hospital for an echo-stress-test thingie. I believe that's the technical term. According to the fabulous Dr. Hulesch, the results of this will be largely meaningless, because I don't fit the profile. What's "the norm" ? White 40 year old male. Why wouldn't they measure me against the universe of young, fit women? Wouldn't that just make so much sense? Did I mention Tara is on vacation this week? Rushing from hospital to pick up Kate, who's out of school at 11:25. Then lunch, then nap, then picking up Joanna and taking Kate to Kindermusic then cookng dinner then, maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll sit down and work on Keeping Score a little bit more. The comments last night were so helpful. I am still so tempted to go back and incorporate the suggested changes. But I'll never finish if I wait for Chapter One to be perfect....
