looking forward...
Classes start this week. Well, one class starts this week, another in a couple of weeks. I'm thrilled, and nervous, and completely determined to make the most of this opportunity. It's been ages since my schedule permitted taking classes and this fall I get to take two -- one workshop and one exercise/practice lab. Yum. Can't wait. I'm running out of notebooks (I bought a bunch in spain last year, unique and absolutely perfect) but I have a good supply of smooth writing gel pens and I even checked the serial numbers on my laptop and battery to discover that I don't have one of those faulty catch-on-fire laptop batteries. Phew! The second crime has happened in Keeping Score. I knew it was coming and it even shocked me. The third is coming up quickly -- building up steam to the end. A bunch of trips upcoming, and the High Holidays, then the Fall Nationals in Hawaii. Keep your hands and arms inside the ride at all times. Might. I might fail.